Streamline Employee Expense Reimbursements: Pair Employees to AP Vendors
Link Employees to AP Vendors: Streamline reimbursements and simplify expense tracking with seamless PR and AP integration.
Streamline Employee Expense Reimbursements:
Here at ConstrucTech Consulting, we're all about helping you simplify your processes and making your life easier. When it comes to employee expense reimbursements, there’s a nifty feature you might not be using yet pairing your employees with AP vendor records. It’s a game-changer for tracking and processing reimbursements efficiently.
Here’s the lowdown:
Why Pair Employees to Vendors? Instead of juggling separate records for employees and vendors, this feature lets you link them directly. It streamlines expense reimbursements and keeps your accounting team’s headaches to a minimum. Think of it as your expense management getting a VIP upgrade.
The Key to Unlocking This Feature:
Before you get started, make sure you’ve checked the right box. Head over to the AP Company Parameters form (under the Audit Options tab) and check the Allow Vendors to be added from Payroll option. Without this, the magic won’t happen—the Vendor field in the PR Employees form will stay grayed out, and you’ll be stuck.
Pairing Employees to Vendors: The Steps:
1. Open the PR Employees form.
2. In the Vendor field, enter a number that’s not already assigned to another vendor in the AP Vendors form.
3. Save the record, and voilà:
- A new AP vendor record is created with the employee’s name and contact info.
- This vendor record gets populated with details like the employee's payroll company and employee number in the AP Vendors form (Payment Method tab).
That’s it! A seamless connection between payroll and accounts payable. Need help setting it up or tailoring it to your company’s needs? Reach out to Constructech Consulting, and we’ll get you paired up for success.
Happy streamlining and Happy Holidays!